Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tag ke?


bosan..bosan..bosan..jom jawab soalan tag..jom =)

[1] 3 Names in your inbox cellphone

- along



[2] Your main ringtone?

- Lagu Raihanna pe ntah tajuk lagu nie..

[3] What U did at 12 last night?

- Kelip-kelip mata depan laptop

[4] Who was the last person[S] U went out with?

- Enor (kawan)

[5] The color of T-shirt you're wearing now?

- Ngah pkai baju kelawar kot..wane itam munge oren..hahak

[6] The last thing you did?

- Menaip

[7] 3 of your everyday favourite items?

- Handphone aku

- Lovely Lappy

- Buku medical surgical..huh!

[8] The color of your bedroom

- Putih

[9] How much money in your wallet now?

- RM23.80..haha

[10] *Soalan 10 tak nampaklah pula. Jadi, kira 'pass' lah..

[11] Your favourite song?

- Banyak..paling suka lagu-lagu yang ada bunyi gitar..wahh layann

[12] What will you do next weekend?

- Kena pegi praktikal kat HTAA..lala

[13] When was the last time U saw Ur Mum?

- Last jumpa mak time balik rayer aritu..kat sebulan dah tak tengok muka mak..winnduu =(

[14] Where is she now?

- Kat umah..kalau masa sekarang mesti mak dah tido..

[15] When was the last time you talked to your parents?

- Semalam

[16] Who is the last person that texted U?

- Erm ntah..

[17] Where did U have your dinner last night?

- Atas lantai..makan ramai2 ngan kawan..

[18] The last surprise you got?

- Dapat hadiah kain..santekk!!

[19] Last thing U borrowed from ur friends?

- Pendrive

[20] Who is ur BF/GF or husband/wife?

- Xde pun..hihi laptop nie kire dah mcm "boyfriend"..leh kan?

[21] What do you feel now?

- Emm mengantuk..huhu

[22] Wanna share with who?

- Nak share ngan sape ek??..ntah

[23] Who knows ur secret?

- Xde rahsia sangat pun..

[24] They keep ur secret?

- Tak tau..yer kot..

[25] Are you angry with someone?

- Tak..


[26] What do you order at McD?

- Erm mestilah McFlurry..nyum3

[27] The last time you felt so sad?

- Time cite hindustan "kuch kuch hota hai"..adehh x leh tahan air mata nie..haha feeling terlebih

[28] What is your wish for tomorrow?

- Sesuatu yang lebih baik dari hari ini... =)

[29] Who will U tag next?

- Sume yang baca TAG nie..sila ambik dan jawab tag nie k..hehe ok gudnite.. =)


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